Monday, April 30, 2012

An Event Horizon

Captain expressions the physical form, we as humans, currently have as trans-humans.

The sculptures will draw upon the progression towards a post-human society to explore the meaning of being human; constructed to mirror human form, they will transform over time. They will also serve as the physical manifestation of the crew from the concept album. The first sculpture will mime Da Vinci’s Vetruvian Man, the embodiment of human perfection. Constructed entirely from winterstone, it will be solid and white. This first sculpture will also take influence from the contrapposto nature of greek sculpture; his pose will welcome viewers to the space around him. He is to symbolize the last bastion of human perfection at the dawn of the technological revolution. He will be equipped with touch and infrared sensors in his hands to detect the presence of viewers. The touch sensors will enable him to speak to the viewers about his journey towards the edge of the universe. This will be pre-recorded dialogue.

The Last Dance expresses the moment humans lose ourselves as a result of technology. It is a reflection of our future selves (non-human) looking back at a human.

The second sculpture depicts humanity’s conflicted relationship with technology: the sculpture comprise of two human forms embracing in a dance-like pose. The figures will be made of the same winterstone material, but will, however, be augmented with metallic spaces resembling the human skeletal systems. These sculptures will take
photographic information from the video installation and project it onto the face of one sculpture. This dance represents the surgery we will inflict upon our bodies as we endlessly augment ourselves. 

The Abyss demonstrates humanities complete loss with what it means to be human and is completely as a loss to how to define itself. As technology has superseded all that was once important.

The final sculpture will be entirely augmented with technology showing the birth and culmination of the post-human state. The sculpture’s outstretched arms will be clasping at its head; this will display its turmoil as its body is forced to endure the loss of human identity, forever trapped in a technologically driven cultural loop, reliving its most painful moments. Indeed, the loss of its humanity nonetheless is enacted as an attempt to memorize what humanity once was. The technological loop will be demonstrated by the self generated video feedback loop emanating from the sculpture’s mouth. We hope to create an experience that fosters the development of new ideas, while critiquing our relationship to technology. This piece will provide a forum for the viewer to contemplate their own dependent relationship with technology and the nature of our being through the use of cutting edge technology. 

An Event Horizon is a 20 minute video that is supposed to be viewed while listening to Lucas Thurston's concept album- Super Compact Wormhole Propulsion. It demonstrates in three cycles, how humans become dependant on technologies and not nature.